Definitions of Art Terms

Giclee Prints Plaque Mat Canvas Mount
Photo Prints Digital Art Framed Framed with Caption
Giclee Prints
Pronounced “zhee-clay”, from the French language.  Prints are generated from high resolution digital scans of an original painting and printed with archival quality inks. The giclees are printed on canvas.  Please note:  Each of our quality prints are digitally scanned from an oil painting exclusively commissioned by our parent company, Gift of a Lifetime, LLC. Giclees are sold unframed, framed, framed & matted, or framed & matted with caption. 
The title of the painting is etched on a brass plate.  The brass plate is placed on the frame. 

A flat piece of paper-based material within a picture frame which serves as an additional decoration.  Many of our art pieces are double-matted with what artists call a “reveal-mat” that colorfully accentuates a border. 

Canvas Mount
An oil painting is reproduced on canvas.  The canvas is then stretched and mounted on a ¾” wood border.  Our canvas-mounted art pieces are not sold framed.
Photo Prints
Digital prints taken from a photograph are imprinted on high-quality photo paper.  Our photo prints include “Family Values” and “The Living Pray”.  Photo prints are sold unframed, framed, framed with title, or framed & matted with title. 

Digital Art
Digital prints taken from an original digital art piece commissioned by our parent company, Gift of a Lifetime, LLC.  Digital art is imprinted on high quality photo paper.  Our digital art piece is titled “One of GOD’s Infinite Unseen Protections”.  It is sold unframed, framed, framed with title or framed & matted with title.

Ready-to-hang artwork.  Please view your selection.  Most art pieces are exactly sized to fit and fill the frame.  Some of our framed art pieces are matted.  Others include a plaque. 

Framed with Caption
Ready-to-hang artwork.  These art pieces are single or double-matted and include a colorful caption describing the scene or historical event.